Friday, October 15, 2010

Uses and Gratifications Theory

"What do people do with the Media?" is the question that leads the uses and gratifications theory. The theory suggestions that people use the media to their advantage and to meet their needs.

The needs are separated into five categories :
  • cognitive needs
  • affective needs
  • Personal integrative needs
  • social integrative needs
  • tension free needs

Cognitive Needs
people access the media (newspaper, magazines, TV, internet, etc.) to acquire specific information. They want to gain more knowledge, on a certain event or topic.

Affective needs
People use the media to satisfy their emotional needs. In most cases, television is the best form of media to please affective needs. We find ourselves relating to the people on TV. We sympathize when something bad happens to them or we
celebrate their victories with them.

Personal Integrative Needs
The personal integrative need is also known as the self esteem need. Media such
advertisements on TV and in magazines fulfill our personal integrative needs. People will change their lifestyle to be cool as according to the media and advertising help them do this

Social Integrative Needs
social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace satisfy social integrative needs. These sites let know what their peers are up too.

Example: If a girl wants to know if a guy she is interested, she will check Facebook for their relationship status.

Tension Free Needs
People may use tension free needs as an outlet. The media can help a person escape and relieve tension. A person can relax while listening to their favorite song or artist or watching their favorite show.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Agenda Setting Theory

The agenda setting theory suggests that the media, mostly the news, has a big influence on what audiences consider newsworthy. It tells you what is supposedly shows us the issue most import at the moment. The newspapers cover story is supposed to be the most important issue in our society. Some stories receive more coverage than others because they are supposed to most relevant to our lives or more interesting.

Desensitization Theory and Sensitization

Desensitization Theory and Sensitization Theory

There is a lot of mediated violence on T.V. The desensitization theory believes that the more violence viewers are exposed to in the media over a period of time, the less sensitive we become to it. The violence no longer seems to bother them or bothers them less than it did before.

In contrast the sensitization theory will be horrified by seeing certain mediated content and become more sensitive to violence.

Schema Theory

The schema theory paints you a mental picture.

Schema are cognitive structures like frames. They are derived from previous experiences and memories. We use schemas to organize our knowledge, guide our behavior, and to predict likely happening. The way we interpret the media, such as television, is guided by schemas. The schema relating to TV is knowledge of the world. We associate what we see on tv as how we are supposed to handle situations in the real world.

For example:you see all types of cars on TV. They are in advertisements and movies. So when someone says they are getting a jeep for their birthday, you recall the images you saw on television to give you an idea of what they are getting.

Reinforcement Theory

Much like a behavioral process. People learn to
associate which consequences, good or bad, go with
which behaviors from the media. They generally will
seek out and remember things that support their
cognitive view. We are more likely to behave in ways
that will rewards us rather than act in ways that will
cause trouble. They can use the media as a tool to see
what is an acceptable way to behave in society and follow
it so they can be accepted or rewarded.

Modeling Theory

The modeling theory suggests that we model their behavior of that of the media. The modeling theory can be good or bad. It is good if what the person is modeling is good behavior. It can be bad if the person takes the mediated message such as violence and copies it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Socialization Theory

The socialization theory suggests that the media helps teach people about the norms and customs to help us fit in our world.Television is the most effective medium for socialization because TV captivates children's views at a very young age so it is suggested to have the most influence over people.