What's my worst possible nightmare? It's probably living a scene out of a horror movie. While it does not really affect me to watch them, living it would terrify me.I was assigned to do a content analysis on a horror film and look for categories such as sexual talk, sexual innuendos, indecency, and obscenity. I choose the scariest movie I could think of, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was scary because it was based off true events. The movie was based off the life of Ed Gein, "the real american psycho." Though I have watched movies with way more Mediated Sex, such as Hostel, the movie had some pretty disturbing stuff. In the third scene, the victims are at a hotel. In the movie, Tommie Hewitt was dumped into the garbage after his mother died giving birth to him in less than sanitary conditions. He is picked up by a psychotic family of cannibals living in the middle of nowhere in Texas. They raise him and teach him that killing is okay. They kill people and then eat them. He keeps killing because it is reinforced as a good behavior by his "uncle" Hoyt. He was desensitized to violence as a baby because he was raised around. He has no conscience when killing his victims. These movies could backfire, people could start copying the violence in them, thus the modeling theory.
Different Occurrences in the Movie
I would definitely would not want my child or children under the age 16 watching this. The violence is intense and it depicts the wrong images about sexual behavior. Inbreeding is wrong. Tying a man to the bed and putting him down when he is not in the mood by saying "most men would enjoy this" gives the wrong idea about sex. Sex should not be violent.
Sadly I have encountered more mediated sex in the shows that I watch than I did in this movie. Shows such as Grey's Anatomy, Jersey Shore, Real World, and Gossip Girl make it look as though having sex constantly and with different partners is acceptableEverywhere we look, woman are seen as sexual objects.Even commercials for Famous Footwear have sexual innuendos in them. They do not always show the consequences. Only recently have they started having commercials after explaining the consequences of unprotected sex.